- A
Hi-Fi Serious
02.04.2002 - A 18
17.03.2003 - A Case Of Grenada
Hell Actually Is All Around
05.09.2005 - A Day To Remember
For Those Who Have Heart
16.02.2007 - A Day To Remember
13.02.2009 - A Day To Remember
Common Courtesy
22.11.2013 - A Day's Work
Drowning In What I Believe
01.01.2004 - A Death For Every Sin
In A Time Where Hope Is Lost
25.03.2002 - A Girl Called Eddy
A Girl Called Eddy
05.07.2004 - A Golden Pony Boy
Fame to the Fameless
11.12.2009 - A Hundred Times Beloved
01.04.2004 - A Life Divided
20.02.2006 - A Life, A Song, A Cigarette
Black Air
14.11.2008 - A Million Miles
What’s Left Behind
05.04.2013 - A Mountain Of One
Institute Of Joy
11.09.2009 - A Perfect Circle
Thirteenth Step
15.09.2003 - A Perfect Murder
War of Aggression
08.06.2007 - A Skylit Drive
13.11.2009 - A Traitor Like Judas
Too desperate to breathe in
29.03.2004 - Under Siege, A Traitor Like Judas
Ten Angry Men
13.09.2004 - A Tribute To Dischord Records
Various Artists
10.01.2005 - A Wilhelm Scream
Mute Print
15.11.2004 - A-ha
A-ha live at vallhall - homecoming DVD
27.05.2002 - A-ha
How can I sleep with your voice in my head
24.03.2003 - A-ha
Foot Of The Mountain
12.06.2009 - A-ha
a-ha 25
06.08.2010 - A.R. Rahman
Slumdog Millionaire [Soundtrack]
13.01.2009 - Abandoned
Thrash You!
01.06.2007 - Able Baker Fox
15.08.2008 - Abschlach!
Du wirst uns siegen seh'n!
13.01.2012 - Absone
A last kiss before
01.04.2002 - Absynthe Minded
Acquired Taste
14.02.2005 - Absynthe Minded
There Is Nothing
11.05.2007 - Abuela Coca
El Ritmo del Barrio
03.05.2004 - Abwärts
Glam Slam!
04.10.2008 - AC/DC
06.11.2009 - AC/DC
Live At River Plate
06.05.2011 - AC/DC
Let There Be Rock
10.06.2011 - AC/DC
Live at River Plate
16.11.2012 - AC4
Burn The World
22.03.2013 - Accept
06.04.2012 - Accept
Blind Rage
15.08.2014 - Ace Frehley
Space Invader
15.08.2014 - Ace Sounds
Still Hungry
23.06.2003 - Across The Border
Was bleibt
25.11.2002 - Action Action
Don't Cut Your Fabric To This Year's Fashion
04.10.2004 - Action Action
An Army Of Shapes Between Wars
17.02.2006 - Adam Arcuragi
I Am Become Joy
15.01.2010 - Adam Green
Friends of mine
24.05.2004 - Adam West
God's Gift To Woman
11.08.2003 - Adam West
Hi Balls are rolling
14.06.2004 - Adam West
Power To The People
04.11.2005 - Adam West
ESP: Extra Sexual Perception
26.09.2008 - Adem
29.03.2004 - Adem
Love and other planets
21.04.2006 - Adema
04.03.2002 - Adema
11.04.2005 - Adrenaline Mob
13.03.2012 - Adrenaline Mob
Men Of Honor
21.02.2014 - Adrian Crowley
Season of the Sparks
13.11.2009 - Adrian H and the Wounds
Dog solitude
02.12.2011 - Aerosmith
Honkin' On Bobo
29.03.2004 - Aerosmith
Music From Another Dimension!
02.11.2012 - Aerosmith
Rock For The Rising Sun (DVD)
19.07.2013 - Aetherius
All That I Need To Survive
30.09.2008 - Aeveron
Existential Dead End
24.10.2008 - AFI
02.06.2006 - AFI
Afi - I Heard A Voice
06.02.2007 - AFI
Crash Love
25.09.2009 - Afrirampo
We Are Uchu No Ko
29.10.2010 - After All
Cult Of Sin
23.03.2009 - Afterlife
Enter the dragon
17.02.2003 - Against All Authority, Common Rider
Split CD
11.04.2005 - Against All Authority
The Restoration of Chaos & Order
19.05.2006 - Against Me!
As The Eternal Cowboy
03.11.2003 - Against Me!
Searching for a former clarity
05.09.2005 - Against Me!
Americans Abroad! Against Me!Live in London
18.08.2006 - Against Me!
New Wave
31.08.2007 - Against Me!
The Original Cowboy
03.07.2009 - Against Me!
White Crosses
04.06.2010 - Age of Disgrace
those who persist
03.03.2003 - Age Of Ruin
The Tides of Tragedy
17.06.2004 - Agnostic Front
Another Voice
22.11.2004 - Agnostic Front
Live At CBGB
17.03.2006 - Agnostic Front
Victim in Pain (Re-Release)
27.11.2009 - Agresiòn
23.09.2002 - Aheadz
03.06.2002 - Ai Phoenix
The driver is dead
25.11.2002 - Aiden
Nightmare Anatomy
04.10.2005 - Aiden
Our Gangs Dark Oath
16.04.2006 - Aiden
17.08.2007 - Aiden
From Hell...With Love
12.03.2010 - Aim
Limit Of Sight
01.04.2004 - Aimee Cares
Her Golden Age
04.04.2008 - Aimee Mann
Live At St. Ann’s Warehouse CD + DVD
24.01.2005 - Aimee Mann
The Forgotten Arm
02.05.2005 - Air
Everybody Hertz
25.02.2002 - Air
Talkie Walkie
26.01.2004 - Air
Pocket Symphony
02.03.2007 - Airbourne
Runnin' Wild
30.05.2008 - Akimbo
Jersey Shores
14.11.2008 - Akrea
24.04.2009 - Akrea
22.10.2010 - Alanis Morissette
under rug swept
25.02.2002 - Alanis Morissette
Flavors Of Entanglement
30.05.2008 - Alarum
11.07.2005 - Alberta Cross
Broken Side Of Time
18.09.2009 - Alberta Cross
Songs of Patience
31.08.2012 - Albino Farm
Albino Farm
24.07.2009 - Alchemist
05.10.2007 - Alesana
On frail wings of vanity and wax
18.05.2007 - alexisonfire
09.12.2002 - alexisonfire
18.08.2006 - Alias
Instrument No. 4
28.02.2005 - Alias Caylon
Resorbing Everything
06.06.2005 - Alice Cooper
The Eyes of Alice Cooper
22.09.2003 - Alice Cooper
Along came a spider
25.07.2008 - Alice Cooper
Theatre of Death: Live at Hammersmith 2009
29.10.2010 - Alice Cooper
Super Duper Alice Cooper
26.05.2014 - Alien Ant Farm
09.10.2001 - Alien Crime Syndicate
Ten Songs in The Key of Betrayal
24.03.2006 - One Man Army, Alkaline Trio
BYO Split Series Vol. V
26.04.2004 - Alkaline Trio
30.05.2005 - Alkaline Trio
Agony & Irony
04.07.2008 - All Boro Kings
Just For The Fun Of It
22.07.2002 - All Ends
Wasting Life (EP)
11.05.2007 - All Ends
All Ends
26.09.2008 - All Ends
A Road To Depression
15.10.2010 - All Out War
Assassins in the House God
27.04.2007 - All Out War
Into The Killing Fields
06.08.2010 - All Ship Shape
18.10.2013 - All That Remains
26.09.2008 - All Time Low
Put Up Or Shut Up
04.08.2006 - All Time Low
So Wrong, It's Right
28.09.2007 - All Time Low
Nothing Personal
11.09.2009 - All Time Low
Dirty Work
22.07.2011 - Almah
02.03.2007 - Almah
Fragile Equality
17.10.2008 - Almah
14.10.2011 - Aloa Input
18.10.2013 - Aloha From Hell
No more days to waste
16.01.2009 - Alpha Boy School
Big Fight
03.02.2003 - Alpha Boy School
No Interest
24.11.2003 - Alpha Boy School
05.09.2005 - Alpha Boy School
One In A Million
25.09.2006 - Alpha Boy School
Perfect Situation
01.08.2008 - ALPHA TIGER
Beneath the Surface
25.01.2013 - Alpinestars
White Noise
24.06.2002 - Alter Bridge
One Day Remains
20.09.2004 - Alter Bridge
02.11.2007 - Alter Me
The Fall
30.01.2009 - Amanda Blank
I Love You
07.08.2009 - Amanda Jenssen
07.05.2010 - Amanda Palmer
Who Killed Amanda Palmer?
26.09.2008 - Amaranthe
29.04.2011 - Amaranthe
The Nexus
22.03.2013 - Amazing Baby
26.06.2009 - Amber Pacific
The Possibility and the Promise
25.07.2005 - Amber Smith
Hello Sun
09.05.2005 - Amberian Dawn
The Clouds of Northland Thunder
24.07.2009 - Ambitus
Waternight Vol. 2
16.04.2010 - Ambrose
24.02.2003 - American Head Charge
The War Of Art
21.01.2002 - American Music Club
Love Songs for Patriots
06.09.2004 - American Steel
Destroy Their Future
05.10.2007 - American Steel
Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts
17.07.2009 - Amon Amarth
Twilight of the Thunder God
19.09.2008 - Amorphis
The Beginning Of Times
27.05.2011 - Amorphis
19.04.2013 - Amphibic
Film In My Head
22.11.2004 - Amplifier
Amplifier ( + Bonus EP)
06.06.2005 - Amplifier
The Astronaut Dismantles Hal
14.10.2005 - Amplifier
29.09.2006 - Amusement Parks On Fire
Amusement Parks On Fire
30.09.2005 - Amusement Parks On Fire
Out Of Angeles
02.06.2006 - Amy Macdonald
A Curious Thing
12.03.2010 - Amy Macdonald
Life in a Beautiful Light
08.06.2012 - Amy Winehouse
Live At The BBC
16.11.2013 - An Albatross
The An Albatross Family Album
24.10.2008 - An Cafe
Magnya Carta
06.07.2007 - Anajo
Nah bei mir
11.10.2004 - Anajo
11.02.2011 - Anathema
A natural disaster
03.11.2003 - Anathema
Falling Deeper
09.09.2011 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Source Tags & Codes
11.03.2002 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
The secret of Elena´s Tomb
31.03.2003 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Worlds Apart
24.01.2005 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
So Divided
17.11.2006 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Festival Thyme
01.12.2008 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
The Century Of Self
20.02.2009 - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Tao of the Dead
04.02.2011 - AndiOliPhilipp
13.05.2011 - Andreas Johnson
Deadly Happy
25.03.2002 - Andrew Bird
Noble Beast
06.02.2009 - Andrew Morgan
Misadventures In Radiology
06.09.2004 - Andthewinneris
The Punch And Judy Show
08.11.2004 - Ane Brun
Temporary Dive
11.04.2005 - Ane Brun
18.04.2009 - Angband
Saved From The Truth
28.09.2012 - Angel Witch
As Above, So Below
12.03.2012 - Angelika Express
Alltag für alle
29.03.2004 - Angelika Express
15.11.2004 - Angelique Kidjo
29.01.2010 - Angels & Airwaves
We Don't Need to Whisper
30.06.2006 - Angels & Airwaves
I Empire
02.11.2007 - Angelus Apatrida
The Call
27.04.2012 - Angra
Aurora Consurgens
27.10.2006 - Angst Vor Clowns
Angst Vor Clowns
20.06.2008 - Angus & Julia Stone
Down The Way
16.04.2010 - Anna Depenbusch
Die Mathematik der Anna Depenbusch
14.01.2011 - Anne Clark
From the heart - Live in Bratislava
01.09.2003 - Anne Clark
The Smallest Acts Of Kindness
26.09.2008 - Annett Louisan
25.10.2004 - Annett Louisan
21.10.2005 - Annie Lennox
The Annie Lennox Collection
06.03.2009 - Annihilator
13.04.2007 - Annihilator
16.08.2013 - Annihilator
All For You
13.09.2013 - Annihilator
Schizo Deluxe
13.09.2013 - Annihilator
Double Live Annihilation
13.09.2013 - Anomalie
Zurück Zum Singular
06.10.2006 - Another Life
Memories From Nothing
14.11.2008 - Anselm Neft/Christian Bartel
Götter, Gurus und Gestörte
01.12.2009 - Anthrax
The greater of two evils
29.11.2004 - Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica
The Big 4 - Live From Sonisphere Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22.06.2010 (DVD)
29.10.2010 - Anthrax
22.03.2013 - Anti-Flag
The Terror State
20.10.2003 - Anti-Flag
For Blood And Empire
17.03.2006 - Anti-Flag
The People Or the Gun.
05.06.2009 - Anvil
Anvil! - Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft
09.08.2010 - Anvil
Back To Basics / Still Going Strong
21.09.2012 - Anvil
This Is Thirteen
21.09.2012 - Anvil
Hope In Hell
24.05.2013 - Aphex Twin
22.10.2001 - Apocalyptica
02.10.2000 - Apocalyptica
10.02.2003 - Apocalyptica
24.01.2005 - Apocalyptica
Worlds Collide
14.09.2007 - Apocalyptica
7th Symphony
20.08.2010 - Apocalyptica
Wagner Reloaded – live in Leipzig
15.11.2013 - Apollo 440
Dude Descending A Staircase
23.06.2003 - Apoptygma Berzerk
Unicorn/harmonizer Remix CD/DVD
01.06.2004 - Apoptygma Berzerk
Sonic Diary
01.12.2006 - Apoptygma Berzerk
Rocket Science
23.01.2009 - Apoptygma Berzerk
Imagine There’s No Lennon
22.10.2010 - Apostle Of Hustle
Folkloric Feel
01.11.2004 - Apparat
Krieg und Frieden (Music for Theatre)
15.02.2013 - Appliance
Are You Earthed
10.03.2003 - Apron
23.01.2009 - Aqualung
27.01.2003 - Aqualung
Still Life
02.02.2004 - Aqualung
Memory Man
24.08.2007 - Arab Strap
The Shy Retirer E.P."
15.09.2003 - Arcade Fire
25.10.2013 - Arcana Cain
Arcana Cain
06.07.2007 - Arch Enemy
Anthems of Rebellion
22.09.2003 - Arch Enemy
Doomsday Machine
22.08.2005 - Arch Enemy
Khaos Legions
27.05.2011 - Arch Enemy
War Eternal
09.06.2014 - Architects
Hollow Crown
20.02.2009 - Architecture in Helsinki
Places Like This
10.08.2007 - Archive
26.04.2004 - Archive
Controlling Crowds
22.05.2009 - Arctic Monkeys
Whatever people say i am thats what i´m not
20.01.2006 - Arctic Monkeys
Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?
21.04.2006 - Arctic Monkeys
Suck It And See
03.06.2011 - Arctic Monkeys
06.09.2013 - Ariel Kill Him
Labyrinths EP
02.05.2005 - Armour
01.03.2010 - Arms and Sleepers
27.11.2009 - Arms and Sleepers
The Organ Hearts
13.05.2011 - Army of the Universe
Mother ignorance
24.06.2011 - Art Brut
It's A Bit Complicated
22.06.2007 - Art Garfunkel
Across America
17.10.2008 - Art Noir
Silent Green
12.06.2009 - As Friends Rust
A Young Trophy Band In The Parlance Of Our Times (EP)
27.05.2002 - As I Lay Dying
Shadows are security
20.06.2005 - As We Fight
Midnight Tornado
27.10.2006 - Asaf Avidan & the Mojos
Poor Boy/Luck Man
15.04.2011 - ASARU
From The Chasms Of Obliveon
18.05.2012 - Ash
Free All Angels Special European Edition
12.11.2001 - Ash
Intergalactic Sonic 7
09.09.2002 - Ashes Of Ares
Ashes Of Ares
06.09.2013 - ASIA
23.11.2012 - Asian Dub Foundation
Keep Bangin´ On The Walls - Live Tour 2003 - DVD
27.10.2003 - Asian Dub Foundation
28.02.2005 - Asian Dub Foundation
10.10.2008 - Asking Alexandria
From Death To Destiny
16.08.2013 - ASP
Aus der Tiefe
04.07.2005 - ASP
29.08.2008 - Asphyx
Death... The Brutal Way
19.06.2009 - Asphyx
24.02.2012 - Assert
Insurrection Rocks
06.05.2002 - Asstronauts
With The Happiness Of A Drowning Summer
15.12.2006 - Asteroid
22.01.2010 - Astra Kid
Müde, Ratlos, Ungekämmt
15.09.2003 - Astro Zombies A.D.
Mutants at Mosa Trajectum
31.03.2003 - At The Drive-In
This Station Is Not Operational
30.05.2005 - At The Farewell Party
The Mechanism of Bad TasteThe Mechanism of Bad Taste
02.11.2007 - At The Farewell Party
Infinity Is Miles Away
02.10.2009 - At The Farewell Party
25.03.2011 - At Vance
29.06.2007 - At Vance
Facing Your Enemy
27.04.2012 - Atari Teenage Riot
Is This Hyperreal?
17.06.2011 - Ataxia
Automatic Writing
16.08.2004 - Atomic
Wonderland Boulevard
28.10.2005 - Atomic
Coming Up From The Streets
18.04.2008 - Atreyu
A Death Grip On Yesterday
31.03.2006 - Atreyu
Lead Sails Paper Anchor
24.08.2007 - Atrocity
After The STorm
03.09.2010 - Atrocity
26.04.2013 - Attack In Black
Years (By One Thousand Fingertips)
02.04.2010 - Attack! Attack!
10.10.2008 - Au Revoir Simone
Still Night, Still Light
24.04.2009 - Audio Bullys
28.10.2005 - Audioslave
18.11.2002 - Audioslave
Out Of Exile
23.05.2005 - Audioslave
01.09.2006 - Audiovent
Dirty sexy Knights in Paris
03.03.2003 - Audrey
Visible Forms
24.11.2006 - Auf der Maur, Melissa
Auf der Maur
02.02.2004 - Aurelia
Our Love Is War
25.03.2006 - Autumn
Summer´s End
22.02.2005 - Ava Inferi
Blood of Bacchus
29.05.2009 - Avail
Front Porch Stories
04.11.2002 - Avantasia
The Mystery Of Time
29.03.2013 - Avatar
Thoughts Of No Tomorrow
22.09.2006 - Avenged Sevenfold
City Of Evil
27.06.2005 - Avenged Sevenfold
Hail To The King
23.08.2013 - Average Engines
19.08.2011 - Avoid One Thing
Chopstick Bridge
24.05.2004 - Avril Lavigne
The Best Damn Thing
13.04.2007 - Avril Lavigne
The Best Damn Tour Live In Toronto
05.09.2008 - Avril Lavigne
Goodbye Lullaby
04.03.2011 - Awkward Thought
Ruin A Good Time
30.09.2002 - Awoken
Take Aim
15.07.2004 - Axehammer
Marching On
21.09.2012 - Axel Pätz
Die Ganze Wahrheit
10.12.2010 - Axel Rudi Pell
25.08.2006 - Axel Rudi Pell
Best of Anniversary Edition
29.05.2009 - Axel Rudi Pell
The Crest
23.04.2010 - Axel Rudi Pell
The Ballads IV
23.09.2011 - Axel Rudi Pell
Circle Of The Oath
23.03.2012 - Axxis
28.08.2009 - Ayreon
07.11.2008 - Azmaveth
Strong As Death
Neue Beiträge im FORUM
- Der letzte und der erste Song des Jahres... 27.03.25, 21:23 // oliiiwaa889
- Pelicans Dyson Daniels Wounded 01.03.25, 22:32 // TamaraNWofford
- DieStimme - Die Maske fällt Maxi 05.02.25, 14:25 // vagofe
- Suche ähnliche Stimme wie.... 29.01.25, 17:28 // antiguans2
- eigene Handschrift deuten 29.01.25, 17:12 // antiguans2
- eure namen auf japanisch 29.01.25, 17:09 // antiguans2
- Geld 29.01.25, 17:07 // antiguans2
- Saufen für Profis 29.01.25, 17:04 // antiguans2
- What Manufacturer 29.01.25, 17:02 // antiguans2
- Proteste in Burma 14.12.24, 16:29 // duffytraciezs