- R.E.M.
Part Lies Part Heart Part Truth Part Garbage 1982 – 2011
11.11.2011 - R.E.M.
Unplugged 1991 & 2001 - The Complete Sessions
23.05.2014 - R.U.S.T.
Forged In The Fire Of Metal
05.08.2011 - Ra Ra Riot
The Rhumb Line
03.10.2008 - Ra Ra Riot
The Orchard
20.05.2011 - Race Horses
09.11.2012 - Rachel Yamagata
Elephants…Teeth Sinking Into Heart
24.04.2009 - Radio Havanna
Lauter Zweifel
28.05.2010 - Radiohead
12.11.2001 - Rage
06.10.2003 - Rage
24.02.2012 - Rage
The Soundchaser Archives
23.05.2014 - Rage Against the Machine
The Collection
28.05.2010 - Raging Speedhorn
We Will Be Dead Tomorrow
23.09.2002 - Raging Speedhorn
How the Great have Fallen
23.05.2005 - Raging Speedhorn
Before the Sea Was Built
07.09.2007 - Rainstorm Project
Purple Eyes
30.03.2007 - Raise Hell
Wicked is my Game
28.10.2002 - Raise Hell
City Of The Damned
19.05.2006 - Raised Fist
Sound of the Republic
07.04.2006 - Ral Partha Vogelbacher
Kite vs. Obelisk
26.01.2004 - Rammstein
Reise, Reise
27.09.2004 - Rammstein
17.11.2006 - Rammstein
Made In Germany 1995 - 2011
02.12.2011 - Rammstein
Videos 1995 - 2012
14.12.2012 - Randy
Welfare Problems
21.04.2003 - Randy´s Ripcord
20.06.2005 - Ransom
Escape from suburbia
31.03.2003 - Rantanplan
Tresenthesen EP
09.12.2002 - Rantanplan
Junger Mann zum Mitreisen gesucht
24.05.2004 - Rantanplan
Liebe Minus Null
02.05.2005 - Rantanplan
05.10.2007 - Rantanplan
Halt´s Maul-mach Musik
27.11.2009 - Raunchy
Velvet Noise
12.08.2002 - Raunchy
Confusion Bay
09.02.2004 - Raunchy
Death Pop Romance
17.02.2006 - Rauschenberger
Von Wegen und Welten
19.02.2009 - Raven Lord
Descent To The Underworld
01.02.2013 - Ray Davies
See my Friends
05.11.2010 - Ray La Montagne
17.11.2006 - Ray Wilson
live and acoustic
01.07.2002 - Ray Wilson
09.05.2005 - Ray Wilson, Stiltskin
06.10.2006 - Ray Wilson, Stiltskin
20.04.2007 - Ray Wilson
Propaganda Man
22.05.2009 - Razor Crusade
Infinite Water
24.05.2004 - Razorlight
Up All Night
11.10.2004 - Razorlight
18.08.2006 - Readymade
The Feeling Modified
22.07.2002 - Reamonn
21.04.2006 - Reamonn
07.11.2008 - Rebekka Karijord
The Noble Art of Letting Go
18.02.2011 - Rebekka Karijord
We Become Ourselves
02.11.2012 - Rebellion
The Clans Are Marching (EP)
26.06.2009 - Rebellion
From Ginnungagap To Ragnarök – The History Of The Vikings – Volume III
24.07.2009 - Rebellion
Arminius, Furor Teutonicus
26.10.2012 - Recoil
13.07.2007 - Rectify
Have Mercy ...
28.05.2005 - Red
Until We have Faces
08.07.2011 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Off the map - DVD
28.01.2002 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
By the Way
08.07.2002 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
I'm With You
26.08.2011 - Red Lights Flash
27.09.2004 - Red Sparowes
Every Red Heart Shines Toward The Red Sun
22.09.2006 - Red Tape
09.02.2004 - Red Tape Parade
Ballads Of The Flexible Bullet
17.10.2008 - Redeem
13.10.2006 - Redemption
Snowfall On Judgement Day
25.09.2009 - Redline
A portrait of a mirror image
05.04.2004 - Redrum
Victims Of Our Circumstances
26.04.2013 - Reebosound
06.07.2007 - Reel Big Fish
Cheer Up
19.08.2002 - Regicide
30.08.2004 - Regina Spektor
26.06.2009 - Regurgitator
eduardo and rodriguez wage war on t-wrecks
24.09.2001 - Reincarnatus
Media Vita
10.04.2009 - Relient K
Five Score and Seven Years Ago
25.05.2007 - Remembering Never
Women and children die first
13.04.2004 - Remembering Never
Women and children die first
13.04.2004 - Reno Divorce
Lover's Leap
15.02.2013 - Rentokill
18.05.2007 - Reo Speedwagon
Live In The Heartland
10.10.2008 - Replico
01.01.2007 - Reply
A Trail Of…(EP)
13.05.2002 - Reptile Youth
Rivers That Run For A Sea That Is Gone
07.03.2014 - Repuked
07.03.2011 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse
27.09.2004 - Reverend and the Makers
A French Kiss in the Chaos
21.08.2009 - Reverend Eminent
Tight sein mit Reverend Eminent
13.09.2004 - Reverend Peyton´s Big Damn Band
The Whole Fam Damnily
20.03.2009 - Revis
Places for Breathing
13.10.2003 - Revive
What is your answer
02.10.2002 - Revolting Cocks
Sex-O Olympic-O
26.09.2008 - Revolver
The Unholy Mother of Fuck
29.10.2001 - Revolving Door
Revolving Door (EP)
18.08.2008 - Revolving Door
Break the line
13.08.2010 - Rezet
Civic Nightmares
30.03.2012 - Rhapsody of Fire
Triumph Or Agony
22.09.2006 - Richard Hawley
Coles Corner
05.09.2005 - Richie Sambora
Aftermath Of The Lowdown
21.09.2012 - Richtwerk
Nicht im selben Angesicht (EP)
10.08.2013 - Ricky Martin
07.10.2005 - Ricochets
The Ghost Of Our Love
23.08.2004 - Riefenstahl
25.05.2007 - Rifu
Bombs For Food, Mines For Freedom!
27.01.2006 - Right 4 Life
Off The Beaten Track
01.04.2002 - Ringo Starr
Y Not
26.02.2010 - Ringworm
Justice Replaced By Revenge
17.10.2005 - Ringworm
The Venomous Grand Design
24.08.2007 - Rinocerose
Music kills me
11.03.2002 - Rinocerose
26.09.2005 - Rio Reiser
Rio Reiser - Liederbuch
30.10.2010 - Rise Against
Revolutions Per Minute
07.04.2003 - Rise Against
Siren Song Of The Counter Culture
09.05.2005 - Rise Against
The Sufferer & The Witness
28.07.2006 - Rise Against
Generation Lost DVD
15.12.2006 - Rise Against
Appeal To Reason
10.10.2008 - Rise Against
11.03.2011 - Rise Against
Long Forgotten Songs: B-Sides & Covers 2000-2013
06.09.2013 - Rise and Fall
09.01.2004 - rival schools
United by Fate
25.02.2002 - rival schools
04.03.2011 - River City High
Won´t turn down
03.12.2001 - River Giant
River Giant
22.02.2013 - Roadrunner United
The All-Star Sessions
07.10.2005 - Rob Rock
Holy Hell
04.04.2005 - Robbie Williams
Swing when you're winning
19.11.2001 - Robert Carl Blank
Last Time I Saw Dave
11.06.2010 - Robert Gomez
Brand New Towns
05.01.2007 - Robert Plant
24.06.2002 - Robert Plant
Band of Joy
10.09.2010 - Rock Rotten's 9mm Assi Rock'n'Roll
Champagner, Koks & Nutten
17.09.2010 - Peter Rüchel, Rockpalast
Rockpalast: Peter Rüchels Erinnerungen
09.11.2009 - Rocky Votolato
03.03.2006 - Rod Stewart
Fly Me to the Moon...the Great American Songbook V
15.10.2010 - Roddy Radiation
Skabilly Rebel- The Roddy Radiation Anthology
09.05.2005 - Roger Miret & The Disasters
Roger Miret & The Disasters
09.09.2002 - Roger Miret & The Disasters
21.02.2005 - Roger Miret & The Disasters
My Riot
18.08.2006 - Rogue Wave
Out Of The Shadow
06.09.2004 - Rogue Wave
Descended Like Vultures
31.10.2005 - Roisin Murphy
Ruby Blue
13.06.2005 - RokkaTone
In This Life
20.10.2006 - Rolling Stone Music Movies Collection
Rolling Stone Music Movies Collection (DVD)
18.09.2009 - Rolling Stones
Exile on Main Street
14.05.2010 - Rollins Band
The Only Way to Know for Sure
24.06.2002 - Rolo Tomassi
28.05.2010 - Ron Sexsmith
Cobblestone Runway
03.02.2003 - Ron Sexsmith
03.05.2004 - Ron Sexsmith
Time Being
12.05.2006 - Ron Wood
Not for Beginners
19.11.2001 - Rooga
Behind the Mirror
29.10.2010 - Rooney
07.06.2004 - Rooney
Calling The World
28.09.2007 - Rory Gallagher
Live In Cork
30.08.2013 - Rose Tattoo
03.06.2002 - Rose Tattoo
Blood Brothers - Special Tour Edition
13.06.2008 - Rosenstolz
Live aus Berlin
16.06.2003 - Rosenstolz
22.03.2004 - Rosenstolz
Das große Leben live (DVD)
08.09.2006 - Rosie Thomas
If songs could be held
10.10.2005 - Ross The Boss
New Metal Leader
22.08.2008 - Ross The Boss
29.10.2010 - Rotoskop
meet: Dazerdoreal -
24.05.2004 - Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation
Shake Your Foundation
03.11.2003 - Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation
Black Night- Bright Morning
15.11.2004 - Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation
29.03.2005 - Rough Silk
A New Beginning
23.03.2009 - Round Up
After Dying With Thirst, Drowning In The Desert
01.05.2004 - Roxy Epoxy & The Rebound
Band-Aids On Bullet Holes
03.04.2009 - Roy Orbison
The Last Concert
30.07.2010 - Royal Bangs
Let It Beep
20.11.2009 - Royal City
Little Heart's Ease
07.06.2004 - Royal Hunt
Show Me How To Live
02.12.2011 - Royal Hunt
20th Anniversary - Special Edition
23.11.2012 - Royal Republic
Save The Nation
24.08.2012 - Royden
Best Friends Our Worst Enemies
10.04.2006 - Rubik
Bad conscience patrol
06.07.2007 - Rubik
29.04.2011 - Rude Rich And The High Notes
Soul Stomp
22.03.2004 - Rufus Wainwright
Release The Stars
25.05.2007 - Rumen Welco
I Never Learned To Raise My Fist
13.11.2009 - Running Like Thieves
The approval of the crowd
25.11.2002 - Running Wild
Live 2002
18.11.2002 - Running Wild
Rogues en Vogue
21.02.2005 - Running Wild
20.04.2012 - Running Wild
04.10.2013 - Runrig
Everything You See
18.05.2007 - Rush
Vapor Trails
21.05.2002 - Rush
05.07.2004 - Rush
2112 & Moving Pictures-Classic Albums
24.09.2010 - Rush Of Ushers
16.01.2003 - Russian Circles
06.05.2008 - Rusty Santos
Outside Versus In
09.06.2003 - Rutthna
30.05.2005 - Rya
personal cosmos
27.01.2003 - Rya
28.02.2005 - Ryan Adams
17.12.2001 - Ryan Adams
Rock N Roll
03.11.2003 - Ryan Adams
Love Is Hell Part 2
08.12.2003 - Ryan Adams
Cold Roses
02.05.2005 - Ryan Adams
06.01.2006 - Rydell
Always remember everything
01.05.2003 - Rydell
Hard on the Trail
11.05.2004 - Röyksopp
The Understanding
Neue Beiträge im FORUM
- Der letzte und der erste Song des Jahres... 27.03.25, 21:23 // oliiiwaa889
- Pelicans Dyson Daniels Wounded 01.03.25, 22:32 // TamaraNWofford
- DieStimme - Die Maske fällt Maxi 05.02.25, 14:25 // vagofe
- Suche ähnliche Stimme wie.... 29.01.25, 17:28 // antiguans2
- eigene Handschrift deuten 29.01.25, 17:12 // antiguans2
- eure namen auf japanisch 29.01.25, 17:09 // antiguans2
- Geld 29.01.25, 17:07 // antiguans2
- Saufen für Profis 29.01.25, 17:04 // antiguans2
- What Manufacturer 29.01.25, 17:02 // antiguans2
- Proteste in Burma 14.12.24, 16:29 // duffytraciezs