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Hot Water Music

Aufgrund eines Malheurs wird Sänger und Gitarrist Chuck Ragan wohl längere Zeit pausieren müssen! Aber lest selbst: "Alright, we've got some pretty seriously bad news. This last week, while out on the Honda Civic Tour with Dashboard Confessional, Thrice, and The Get Up Kids, Chuck seriously injured his left hand and has to get reconstructive surgery tomorrow. If all goes well, Chuck should be done with physical therapy and ready to go by the time we hit the road again this fall. Right now he can't play guitar for 8 weeks and won't have full motion or feeling for 12 weeks to 3 years. So, he asked me to say thanks to everyone who was at the shows last week and if you could all maybe summon up some good thoughts for a homey, he'd appreciate it. We'll keep you posted on his progress over the next few months and, Darwin willing, we'll see you this fall sometime."

Michael Konen22.06.2004


Weitere Cd-Besprechungen und Stories
Hot Water Music - Hot Water Music auf Tour [Neuigkeit] Hot Water Music - Hot Water Music - Live Reunion! [Neuigkeit] Chuck Ragan, Hot Water Music - Chuck Ragan (ex Hot Water Music) - Signing & Album [Neuigkeit] Hot Water Music - Hot Water Music - The End [Neuigkeit]  [Interview] Hot Water Music - The New What Next [Cd] Hot Water Music - Hot Water Music und Christiansen in der Fabrik in Hamburg [Konzertbericht] Hot Water Music [Konzertbericht]
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