
Hot Water Music - The End
Hot Water Music
Nachdem im vergangenen Jahr Chuck Ragan als einer der beiden Sänger und Gitarristen von HOT WATER MUSIC aus der Band ausgestiegen war, hat er nun per MySpace Bulletin ein umfangreiches Statement verfasst, indem auch das Ende von HWM ein für alle mal endgültig verkündet wird. In seinem reichlich emotional geratenen Rundbrief schreibt Ragan über das Leben auf Tour und wie es die Leben von ihm und seinen Mitstreitern verändert, gefährdet, bereichert und erfüllt hat. Des Weiteren wird der gute Mann demnächst ein Solo-Werk unter die Leute schmeissen und sich die Zeit mit Holzbauten vertreiben. Ach ja, Babies mit seiner Frau will er auch noch machen. Hier ein paar Auszüge:
"I found purpose and strength through my best friends, music, and a quest for the truth. Throughout that journey, I became who I am today. I also found the day in and day out monotony of the road and the job that HWM had become, had taken a serious toll. Just as I have done throughout my life when my heart turns in a direction for the sake of well being, I followed it. HWM has always been to me living true, free and unbound. Stay true to who you are to begin with and youll be true to who you are in the end...My friends, Hot Water Music as we all knew it is no longer. A great chapter in our lives has come to a close. We must say so long, and farewell. This is not to say by any means that we will never take a stage again together or find our way onto some tracks together, but where we are in our lives at this moment, it wont be anytime soon...As far as our own music goes none of us are slowing down in anyway. George, Jason, and Chris are moving full steam ahead with The Draft as their primary focus and Im paddling my own canoe. Im working on a solo record thats long overdue and having a damn good time with it. Ill play shows, but for making my way and a living, Im called to cutting big sticks into little sticks. For me in many ways, wood has all the same properties as music. I have just as much passion for shaping and working wood as I do playing my guitar or writing a song. Theyre one in the same and dont even get me started on fishing! So the music will never die, just evolve. Im moving on a different plane. Ready to settle down, write more songs, make more records, catch more fish, make love and babies with my sweet wife...I must say that I have never in my life ever known such a display of dedication, desire, and will to carry on than through the HWM fans around the world. I dont believe I could ever truly find the right words to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to all the amazing souls who sacrificed what they had to make it to our shows and make them live!...I must say though that the moments that I found myself amongst my best friends and a crowd of people singing and sweating, laughing and moving to words, melodies, and busted up rhythms that we created in a beat up warehouse in Florida, were nothing but pure magic. Even through the hard times we always laughed, wrote, fought, slept, drank, and rocked to found our way to why we were there to begin with. We had to...Thank you my friends for a decade of support, loyalty and dedication. Thank you for growing up with us living and learning the hard way most of the time. You made it for us. I hope we did the same for you! Thank you for the memories, the support and all of your gracious attention through all of our transitions, battles, broken sticks and strings, breakdowns and revelations that we were able to turn into music. You fueled this fire! What you taught us on this road has been absolutely priceless. I wish all the best in luck, love, and life to each and every one of you and yours. You have helped mold us into the people we are today and it will never be forgotten...Take care of each other. Chuck Ragan"
Wahre Worte von einer wahren Band.
live your heart & never follow!
Bogatzke , 14.05.2006
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