
65daysofstatic - 65daysofstatic - Album, Single & Tour

65daysofstatic - Album, Single & Tour


Am 27.04.2007 erscheint bei uns das neue Album der genialen 65DAYSOFSTATIC - "The Destruction of Small Ideas". Die Tracklist der Platte liest sich wie folgt:

1. When We Were Younger & Better
2. A Failsafe
3. Don't Go Down to Sorrow
4. Wax Futures
5. These Things You Can't Unlearn
6. Lyonesse
7. Music is Music as Devices are Kisses is Everything
8. The Distant & Mechanised Glow of Eastern European Dance Parties
9. Little Victories
10. Primer
11. White Peak/Dark Peak
12. The Conspiracy of Seeds

Vorab wird am 09. April schon die Single "Don't Go Down to Sorrow" erscheinen, mit diesem Tracklisting:

1. Don’t Go Down to Sorrow (Edit).
2. Morning in the Knife Quarter.
3. The Major Cities of the World are Being Destroyed One by One by the Monsters (skin of the horses teeth version).

Über das Album, die Single & weitere Dinge findet sich auf der offziellen Homepage der Band folgendes Statement:

"We tried to make it in a way that would retain it’s dynamic and make it listenable at many different volumes, like records used to be made before it became fashionable to COMPRESS THE FUCK OUT OF THEM, until they’re so loud they sound like a brick wall, but can capture the attention of the average radio listener faced with hours and hours of rubbish, by being that much louder than everything else. Instead we made this so the quiet bits are quiet and the loud bits are loud, and if you turn it up on your stereo you can hear everything in it’s own place. This being a learning experience for us, we had to trust our instincts, but we’re quite proud of what we came up with. Also, Graham and Murray who recorded it are GENII. PLURAL...

A single is a promotional tool aimed primarily at radio stations, the music press and television, as a means of raising the awareness of a band. It's not really aimed at the people who buy it, unless you’re the kind of band who sells so many you make a lot of money. It is an excuse to go on tour. 65daysofstatic don’t really need an excuse to go on tour, because we’ll be doing that for the rest of the year. Cripes! In conclusion: It’s been far too long since we were out on the road. We will rectify this shortly. The dates we have confirmed so far are up now. There are already quite a few dates there, and like a collection of past failures, they will be added to...New t-shirts, new music, new tour dates, new everything, will follow shortly.

65 is officially GLAD TO BE BACK."

Die aktuellen Deutschland-Tourdaten von 65DOS sehen so aus:

June 2007

1st: GERMANY. Bielefeld, Forum.
2nd: GERMANY. Leipzig, Conne Island.
3rd: GERMANY. Berlin, Magnet.
4th: GERMANY. Cologne, Prime Club.
5th: GERMANY. Munich, Ampere.

Im vergangenen Jahr spielte die Band in Köln übrigens nicht weniger als eines der fantastischten Konzerte der letzten 5 Jahre überhaupt!

Bogatzke 11.03.2007


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