- S.I.N.
- Sabaton
- Saboteur
- Sacred Oath
- Sacred Steel
- Sade
- Safura
- Saint Aside
- Saint Etienne
- Saint Lu
- Saint Thomas
- Salako
- Saliva
- Sally Timms
- Saltatio Mortis
- Salvatore
- Sam Amidon
- sam*
- Samael
- Samavayo
- Samba
- Same Difference
- Samiam
- Sammy Hagar
- Samorra
- San Diego Music
- San Fermin
- Sanctity
- Sand Rubies
- Sandi Thom
- Sandra
- Sandra Nasic
- Sandrakete
- Sanitätskasten AG
- Sankt Otten
- Santa Cruz
- Santana
- Saosin
- Sapiency
- Sara Bareilles
- Sara Noxx
- Saracen
- Sarah Bettens
- SaraLee
- Saratoga
- Saroos
- sarsaparilla
- Sator
- Saturday Night's Strike
- Satyricon
- Sava
- Savatage
- saves the day
- Saving Throw
- Savoy Grand
- Sawoff Shotgun
- Saxon
- Say Anything
- Say Hi
- Scab
- Scala
- Scar The Martyr
- Scarlet
- Scarlet Soho
- Scarlett Soho
- Scars of Tomorrow
- Scars on Broadway
- Scary Kids Scaring Kids
- Schandmaul
- Schattenreich
- Schattentantz
- Scheepers
- Schein23
- Schelmish
- Schiller
- Schleprock
- Schmoren, Dünsten, Pogo Tanzen.
- Schneller Autos Organisation
- School of Rock
- Schrottgrenze
- Schtimm
- Schwarz
- Schwarz auf Weiß
- Schwarze Weihnacht
- Schwarzer Engel
- Schwarzes Leipzig tanzt
- Schüttorf Festival 2004
- Science Fiction Army
- Scissor Sisters
- Scorefor
- Scorpions
- Scott Matthew
- Scott Matthews
- Scott Stapp
- Scout Niblett
- Scratch Massive
- Scream Silence
- Screeching Weasel
- Scum of the Earth
- Scumbucket
- Scycs
- Seabear
- Seafood
- Seal
- Seaport Music Festival
- Seasick Steve
- Sebastian Bach
- Sebastian Block
- Sebastian Hämer
- Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains
- Sebastien Tellier
- Sebel
- Second Monday
- Secret Discovery
- Secret Machines
- See You Next Tuesday
- Seeed
- Seelenzorn
- Seether
- Sekta Core
- Selig
- Senore Matze Rossi
- Sepia
- Sepultura
- Serafin
- Serdar Somuncu
- serengeti
- Serengeti Festival
- Serge Gainsbourg
- Sérgio Mendes
- Serj Tankian
- Serpent Obscene
- Serpents
- Serum 114
- Set it Off
- Set Your Goals
- Seven Witches
- Sevendust
- Sevenlowdown
- Seventh Power
- Severe Torture
- Sewer Rats
- Sewergrooves
- Sex Pistols
- Shaaman
- Shadowgarden
- Shadows Fall
- Shai Hulud
- Shakira
- Shakra
- Sham 69
- Shamrain
- Shamrock Clash
- Shamrock Clash Tour
- Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar
- Shaped by Fate
- Shark Soup
- Shatter Messiah
- Shattered
- Shattered Realm
- She said destroy
- She Wants Revenge
- She-Male Trouble
- Shearer
- Sheephead
- Sheryl Crow
- Shine
- Shinedown
- Shit Browne
- Shivaree
- Shooting John
- Shortage
- Shortie
- Shouling For Joey
- Shout Out Louds
- Shrike
- Shrinebuilder
- Shy Nobleman
- Shyne11
- Sibling Sense
- Sick & Wired
- Sick Of It All
- Sidekick
- Sidewaytown
- Sights & Sounds
- Sign
- Signals To Aircraft
- Signum Regis
- Sigur Rós
- Sigur*
- Silbermond
- Silbermond*
- Silence
- Silent Decay
- Silent Force
- Silly
- Silly Chicken
- Silva Sonic
- Silverchair
- Silverlane
- Silverstein
- Silversun Pickups
- Silvester
- Simian Mobile Disco
- Simon Says
- Simon, die alte Frau van Cleef und ich-Festival
- Simple Minds
- Simple Plan
- Simply Red
- Sinai Beach
- Since By Man
- Since The Day
- Since The Flood
- Sincere
- Sinch
- Sinister
- Sinner
- Sioen
- Sir Simon
- Sir Simon Battle
- Sirkorski
- Siva.
- six by seven
- Six Feet Under
- Six Reasons To Kill
- SixNationState
- Ska Daddyz
- Ska P
- Ska-j
- Ska-T
- Skaliners
- Skambiance
- Skankin´Night
- Skansis
- Skarface
- Skarhead
- Skateistan Benefiz Festival
- Skatrek
- SkaWar
- Skeletonwitch
- Skelfir
- Ski King
- Ski's Country Trash
- Skid Row
- Skin
- Skindred
- Skinny Puppy
- Skold
- Skrape
- Skunk
- Skunk Allstars
- Skunk Anansie
- Sky Larkin
- Skyline
- Skywriter
- Slackers
- Slag In Cullet
- Slapshot
- Slash
- Slash und Anthony Bozza
- Slave to the System
- Slayer
- Sleater-Kinney
- sleep in silence
- Sleeping With Sirens
- Sleepingodslie
- Sleepy Sun
- Sleigh Bells
- Slick Shoes
- Slipknot
- Slobbery Dognose
- Slow Roosevelt
- Slumlords
- Slut
- Smack Festival
- Small Feet
- Smashing Pumpkins
- Smith & Burrows
- Smog
- Smoke Blow
- Snakeskin
- Snapcase
- Sneaker Pimps
- Snitch
- Snorre
- Snow Patrol
- Snowdogs
- Snuff
- Soap & Skin
- Social Distortion
- Social Suicide
- Society of Suicide
- Soda Maker
- Sodapop
- Sodom
- Sofaplanet
- Soft Cell
- Soil
- Soilent Green
- Soilwork
- Solander
- Solar Fake
- Solarscape
- Soldiers
- Solea
- Solitude Aeturnus
- Solomon Burke
- Soma Raza
- Some Girls
- Somehow Hollow
- Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
- Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin
- Something For Heroes
- Something For Kate
- Sometree
- Sommerset
- Son, Ambulance
- Sonah
- Sondaschule
- Sondre Lerche
- Songs Of Lemuria
- Soniamiki
- Sonic Delivery
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sonic Youth
- Sonisphere
- Sonisphere*
- SonneMondSterne Festival
- Sonnenrot 2004
- Sonnenrot Festival
- Sonnenrot-Festival 2004
- Sonnit
- Sono
- Sons And Daughters
- Sons of Noel and Adrian
- Sons of Otis
- Sons Of Seasons
- Sonsiphere Festival
- Sony BMG
- Sophia
- Sorgente
- Soror Dolorosa
- Soulcage
- Souldrainer
- Soulfly
- Soulfood International
- Soulicit
- Soulmate
- Soulsavers
- Soulspell
- Soulwax
- Soundgarden
- Sounds Like Violence
- Sounds Like Vionce
- Sounds Of The Underground
- South of Mainstream
- South of Mainstream Festival
- Southerly
- Southside
- Southside 2004
- Southside Festival
- Soziedad Alkoholika
- Space Hobos
- Space Vacation
- Spaceship Landing
- spAck! Festival
- spAck!festival
- Spandau Ballet
- Sparkadia
- Sparta
- Speak No Evil
- Speedway 69
- Spermbirds
- Spheron
- Spice Girls
- Spider Crew
- Spiderman 2
- Spike 1000
- Spillsbury
- Spinal Tap
- Spineshank
- Spinnerette
- Spirit Caravan
- Spirit X-Mas Tour 2005
- Spiritu
- Spiritualized
- Spiritus Mortis
- Spiritus Sancti
- Spitalfield
- Spitfire
- Spitting Off Tall Buildings
- splash! Festival
- Splinter X
- SplinterX
- Spoiler
- Spookey Ruben
- Spooks
- Sportfreunde Stiller
- sPout
- Sprechen Sie Pop?
- Springtime
- Spurlos - Die Entführung der Alice Creed
- SPV - TV
- Squarewell
- Squealer
- Squealer A. D.
- Squirtgun
- St. Pauli United
- St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review
- St. Thomas
- St. Vincent
- Stahlhammer
- Stahlmann
- Staind
- Stained
- Stakeout
- Stala & So.
- Stan or Itchy
- Stand&Fight
- Standstill
- Stanfour
- Star FM
- Star Fucking Hipsters
- Star Wars
- Starfighter
- Starmarket
- Stars and Stripes
- Stars Play Music
- Starsailor
- Start A Revolution
- State Radio
- Static-X
- Station 17
- Status Quo
- Staubkind
- Steadlür
- Steak Knife
- Steakknife
- Stealing Axion
- Steel Assassin
- Steel Panther
- Steel Prophet
- Steel Rules Die
- Stefan Dettl
- Stefanie Heinzmann
- Stefanie Kloß
- Stella
- Stendal Blast
- Stephan Bauer
- Stephanie Dosen
- Stephen Davis
- Stephen Malkmus
- Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
- Stepping Stone
- Stereo Inn
- Stereo MC's
- Stereo MCs
- Stereo Total
- Stereophonics
- Steriogram
- Sternbuschweg
- Steve Brockmann
- Steve Howe
- Steve Vai
- Steve Winwood
- Steven Wilson
- Stevie Salas
- Stick To Your Guns
- Stigma
- Still Remains
- Stiltskin
- Stimpack
- Stimpack*
- Sting
- Stompin' Souls
- Stone
- Stone Sour
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Stone the Crow
- Stoned from the Underground
- Stonepark
- Stoppok
- Stormlord
- Stormrider
- Stormwarrior
- Stormzone
- Straight Corner
- Stranded Horse
- Strange Attractor
- Strapping Young Lad
- Stratovarius
- Strawberry Blondes
- Stray Cats
- Straylight Run
- Street Dogs
- Streetlight Manifesto
- Strength Approach
- Stretch Arm Strong
- Stretch Armstrong
- Strife
- Strike Anywhere
- Strom
- Stromble Fix
- Strung Out
- Stun
- Sturch
- Sturm & Drang
- Sturm und Drang
- Sub7even
- Subheim
- Subhumans
- Subkutan
- Subliritum
- Submarien
- Subsignal
- Substyle
- Subterfuge
- Subway to sally
- Such A Surge
- Sue
- Suede
- Sugar Ray
- Sugarcult
- Sugarplum Fairy
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicide Machines
- Suicide Silence
- Suidakra
- Suit Yourself
- Sum 41
- Sum41
- Suma
- Summe Jang Festival
- Summer Battle
- Summer Breeze
- Summer Darkness Festival
- Summerblast Festival
- Summerjam
- Summers End
- Summers End Festival
- Summers End Open Air
- Summersend Open Air
- Sunday Driver
- Sunny Domestozs
- Sunride
- Sunrise Avenue
- Suns Of Thyme
- Super 700
- Super Furry Animals
- Superbutt
- Superfly 69
- Supergrass
- Supernova
- Superpunk
- Supersuckers
- Suralin
- Surf
- Surge of Fury
- Surrogat
- Surrounded
- Susan Cadogan
- Susu Bilibi
- Suzie Rock
- Svarttjern
- Sven Rebentisch
- Svölk
- Sw1tched
- Swallow The Sun
- Swashbuckle
- Swearing at Motorists
- Sweatmaster
- Swedish Hitz Goes Metal
- sweethead
- Swingin` Utters
- Sworn Amongst
- Sworn Enemy
- Swosh
- Syd Matters
- Symphony X
- Symphorce
- Syrach
- System of a Down
- Systematic
- Sziget Festival
- Söhne Mannheims
Neue Beiträge im FORUM
- Der letzte und der erste Song des Jahres... 27.03.25, 21:23 // oliiiwaa889
- Pelicans Dyson Daniels Wounded 01.03.25, 22:32 // TamaraNWofford
- DieStimme - Die Maske fällt Maxi 05.02.25, 14:25 // vagofe
- Suche ähnliche Stimme wie.... 29.01.25, 17:28 // antiguans2
- eigene Handschrift deuten 29.01.25, 17:12 // antiguans2
- eure namen auf japanisch 29.01.25, 17:09 // antiguans2
- Geld 29.01.25, 17:07 // antiguans2
- Saufen für Profis 29.01.25, 17:04 // antiguans2
- What Manufacturer 29.01.25, 17:02 // antiguans2
- Proteste in Burma 14.12.24, 16:29 // duffytraciezs