- P.O. BOX
- P.O.D.
- P.W. Long
- P:lot
- Pain in the Ass
- Pain of Salvation
- Paint The Town Red
- Pale
- Palisades
- Paloma Faith
- Pandora
- Panic At The Disco
- Panic! at the Disco
- Panik
- Pannonia Allstars Orchestra
- Panteon Rococo
- Paolo Nutini
- Papa Roach
- Papercut
- Paprika Korps
- Parachutes
- Paradise Island
- Paradise Lost
- Paragon
- Paramore
- Paraneuja
- Parasite City
- Parasites
- Paris
- Parka
- Parkway Drive
- Parkway Drive*
- Parralox
- Parties Break Hearts
- Party Bus Berlin
- Party.San Metal Open Air
- Pascal Briggs
- Pascal Finkenauer
- Pascow
- Passion Pit
- Pat Kelly
- Patenbrigade: Wolff
- Pathfinder
- Patrice & The Sunpowers
- Patrick Watson
- Patrick Wolf
- Pattern Is Movement
- Patti Smith
- Paul Dimmer Band
- Paul Gilbert
- Paul Mc Cartney
- Paul McCartney
- Paul Simon
- Paul Smith
- Paul Stanley
- Paul Weller
- Paul!
- Paula
- Paulsrekorder
- Pavement
- Payola
- Peace
- Peaches
- Pearl Jam
- Pechsaftha
- Pedro the Lion
- Peeping Tom
- Peeping Tom feat. Mike Patton
- Peeping
- Peer
- Peilomat
- Pela
- Pelzig
- Pendikel
- Pendulum
- Pennywise
- pentagram
- People Like You
- Perblind
- Periphery
- Persephone
- Persiana Jones
- Persistance Tour
- Persistence Tour
- Persistence Tour 2013
- Persistence-Tour
- Person L
- Personal Vendetta
- Perversor
- Perzonal War
- Pestilence
- Pestpocken
- Pete Blume
- Pete Greenwood
- Pete Murray
- Pete Yorn
- Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson
- Peter & The Test Tube Babies
- Peter Bjorn and John
- Peter Broderick
- Peter Criss
- peter doherty
- Peter Frampton
- Peter Freestone
- Peter Gabriel
- Peter Heppner
- Peter Licht
- Peter Pan Speedrock
- Peter Rüchel
- Peter, Bjorn and John
- PeterLicht
- Peters
- Petur Ben
- Pfeffer
- Pfingst Open-Air Werden
- Phantom Lord
- Phantom Planet
- Phantom-X
- Phantom/Ghost
- Phases Of Life
- Phil Sutcliffe
- Phil Vetter
- Philiae
- Philipp Poisel
- Phillip Boa
- Phillip Boa & the Voodooclub
- Phillip Poisel
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Rising / Fire & Ashes
- Phono Pop Festival
- Phonoboy
- Photonensurfer
- Pianos Become The Teeth
- Piebald
- Pigeon Detectives
- pigs might fly
- Pinatubo Bay
- Pinback
- PinBoys
- Pink
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Turns Blue
- Pinkostar
- Pinkpop Festival
- Pinksnotred
- Pirate Satellite Festival
- Pissing Razors
- Pixie Lott
- Place of Skulls
- Placebo
- Plage Noire
- Plan B
- Planes Mistaken For Stars
- Planesmistakenforstars
- Planet Myer Day
- Planet Myer Day 6.0
- Planet Myer Day 7.0
- Planet Pristine
- Planet X
- Planetakis
- Planlos
- Playfellow
- Pleasant Grove
- Plemo And Rampue
- Pleymo
- Plus / Minus
- Pluswelt Festival
- Poets Of The Fall
- Pohlmann
- Point of Recognition
- Pointing Finger/In Pieces
- Poison
- Poison The Well
- Poisonblack
- Polar Bear Club
- Polarkreis 18
- Polina Geht!
- Polkaholix
- Pony Up
- poolbar Festival
- Poolstar*
- Poor Rich Ones
- Pop Levi
- Pop Up Messe
- Popkomm
- Popkomm 2006
- popUP NRW
- Porcupine Tree
- Port O'Brien
- Portash
- Porter Hall
- Portishead
- Portrait of David
- Portugal The Man
- Portugal. The Man
- Portugal.The Man
- Posies
- Postmortem
- Pothead
- Pound
- Powder
- Powderfinger
- Power! Percussion
- Powerwolf
- Prag
- Prague Ska Conspiracy
- Praying Mantis
- Preston School Of Industry
- Pretty Maids
- Primal Scream
- Prime sth
- Primordial
- Pristine
- Pro Pain
- Pro-Pain
- Probot
- Project Pitchfork
- Promoe
- Pronther
- Propagandhi
- Protest the Hero
- Proyecto Secreto
- Psyche
- Psycho Luna
- Psychopunch
- Psychotic Youth
- Psyopus
- Public Enemy
- Puddle of Mudd
- Puffball
- Puke
- Pulled Apart By Horses
- Pulley
- Pulp
- Punk & Disorderly 2006
- Punk & Disorderly Festival
- Punk and Disorderly Festival
- Punk Im Pott
- Puppetmastaz
- pure reason revolution
- Purgatory
- Purid
- Purified in Blood
- Pussybox
- Puya
- Pyogenesis
- Pyramaze
Neue Beiträge im FORUM
- Der letzte und der erste Song des Jahres... 27.03.25, 21:23 // oliiiwaa889
- Pelicans Dyson Daniels Wounded 01.03.25, 22:32 // TamaraNWofford
- DieStimme - Die Maske fällt Maxi 05.02.25, 14:25 // vagofe
- Suche ähnliche Stimme wie.... 29.01.25, 17:28 // antiguans2
- eigene Handschrift deuten 29.01.25, 17:12 // antiguans2
- eure namen auf japanisch 29.01.25, 17:09 // antiguans2
- Geld 29.01.25, 17:07 // antiguans2
- Saufen für Profis 29.01.25, 17:04 // antiguans2
- What Manufacturer 29.01.25, 17:02 // antiguans2
- Proteste in Burma 14.12.24, 16:29 // duffytraciezs