
Julien-K - Julien-K verraten erste Details der anstehenden E.P.

Julien-K verraten erste Details der anstehenden E.P.


Die US-Musiker von Julien-K haben nach langer Tour durch Europa und Auftritten auf den Sommerfestivals in Deutschland nebenher noch an neuen Songs gearbeitet. Diese sollen bald veröffentlicht werden. Ryan Shuck, Sänger und Gitarrist der Band, verrät erste Details über das Artworl und die anstehende E.P.:

"While we were in the EU on tour this summer, we started playing the remixed versions of some of our favorite songs LIVE. After about 15 shows, the songs began to change and become something entirely different - almost a "Night Version" - or a completely new song based on the original. After many requests, we decided to record these new versions in Hamburg, at Clouds Hill Studios (thanks to our good friend Johann).

To give it a really live feel – to really capture what we were doing onstage – we decided to offer a very limited amount of tickets to our core group of fans. We thought this would give us a bit of the "nervousness" that comes with playing live, and would be a cool way to include and thank our SDS (Systeme De Street, Julien-Ks Fanclub) members.

We recorded the songs in a few takes, playing all the way through, with our SDS members in the room. Really fun. Recorded on vintage gear, straight to tape. Old school recording for a modern electro band. We really wanted to see if we could pull it off. Mistakes and all – we left everything in.

We decided to make this release a special VERY limited edition EP on vinyl, intended mainly for our core fans. The EP will of course come with a digital download code w purchase. We are mixing the record as I type, and we are looking forward to more experiments like this one – record and release within a matter of months, direct to our fans.

To make the EP extra special, we decided to record and include our fan favorite new song Dregs of the World, which has only been heard live thus far.

While in Berlin we befriended quite a few amazing up and coming artists. We asked one of our favorites Amrei to create an original piece for our album cover, and to design the packaging, etc. (BTW – you can see Amrei's work in this months French Vogue)."

Kitty N.07.09.2011


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