
A Million Miles - Bye bye Philipp - Welcome Timo

Bye bye Philipp - Welcome Timo

A Million Miles

Kaum wurde bekannt, dass die Hamburger Metalband A Million Miles endlich ihr lang erwartetes Debütalbum "What's Left Behind" auf den Markt bringen und damit auch auf Tour gehen wird, gibt es schon die erste traurige Meldung zu verkünden. Drummer Philipp hat auf eigenen Wunsch sein "Amt" niedergelegt und wird fortan durch Neuzugang Timo ersetzt.

Dazu ein Statement der Band: "To support our upcoming album "What's Left Behind" live, we´re getting ready to tour Germany in April! Tour rehearsals are going well and are drenched in rock. But before we'll hit the road, with a heavy heart we have to announce that our long time friend Philipp will no longer join the band on the drums for several personal reasons. After an amazing 2012 with many great shows, the recordings of our debut album & many memorable moments for all of us, we wish Philipp only the best on all his musical & personal ways. But from now on we have a new face in our band; he's ace, already an established member of our band and a killer on the drums: Please welcome Timo, who will from now on kick some asses on the drumset of A Million Miles! 2013, we are ready to ROCK!!! ~ Yours Mona, Willo, Finbar, Shi & Timo ~

Kitty N.05.03.2013


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