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nadia Metal
Birth of the Burst / The Ocean split 7”
& Mörser anniver
Birth of the Burst / The Ocean split 7” & Mörser anniver

After some delay, we are glad to be able to say that the 7” with the two great bands BURST and THE OCEAN is available and ready to ship. The final package looks stunning and we at Garden of Exile are extremely exited.
All pre-orders will be sent immediately and a winner will be chosen. This [...]

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nadia Metal
New Mörser track online
New Mörser track online

We at GARDEN OF EXILE are glad to be able to post a new MÖRSER track online, taken from the upcoming sequel MCD/COMIC release "DER KOSMOPOLIT - PURE". Please note that this is not the definite version, the final version of the track will be posted online as soon as we have it.
Download: "THE [...]

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nadia Eure Band
Burst / The Ocean split release on
Garden of Exile
Burst / The Ocean split release on Garden of Exile

GARDEN OF EXILE is stoked to announce the release of a limited split 7" from THE OCEAN & BURST. This will be a limited release on coloured vinyl only. If this wasn't enough, SELDON HUNT (known for his work for ISIS, NEUROSIS & PELICAN) will be providing the artwork, which consists of a [...]

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nadia Metal
Garden of Exile (Codex4) Shop Update
Garden of Exile (Codex4) Shop Update

GRATIS BEI JEDER BESTELLUNG: Nuclear Blast / Century Media sampler + Agents of Man sampler

für den gesamten katalog:

Black Dahlia Murder, THE - Miasma - CD
Throwdown - Vendetta - CD/DVD
Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin - CD
Bury Your Dead [...]

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nadia Metal
Sengaia pre-order / Garden of Exile

As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security - CD 13.50
As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security - LP 14.00
Red Chord, THE - Clients - CD 12.00
Sengaia - Maelstrom EP 8.00
Playing Enemy - I Was Your City - CD 13.00
Premonitions of War / Benumb - Split - MCD 9.00
Adamantium - Traditions - CD [...]

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nadia Metal
Sengaia pre-order / Garden of Exile
Sengaia pre-order / Garden of Exile update

Garden of Exile Records have set the release date of the SENGAIA debut MCD “Maelstrom EP” for June 21st. To celebrate this release SENGAIA will be holding a release party on June 17th at The Little Devil, Tilburg together with Escadron and Charlie Adler.

Pre Orders for the SENGAIA – [...]

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nadia Metal
SENGAIA unterzeichnen bei Garden of
Exile Records
SENGAIA unterzeichnen bei Garden of Exile Records

SENGAIA verkörpern den modernen Metal; sie vermischen das beste von Hardcore und Metal zu einer überwältigenden und brutalen technischen Mixtur.

Von Zeit zu Zeit finden sich einige Jazz Stücke in ihrer Musik wieder. Durch die Verschmelzung von Einflüssen von Bands wie z.B. Cryptopsy, The [...]

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nadia Metal
Mörser unterzeichnen bei Garden of Exile
Mörser unterzeichnen bei Garden of Exile


Awoken, and ready to roll! MÖRSER feiern ein Jahrzehnt der Zerstörung und unterzeichnen einen Plattendeal mit Garden of Exile Records! Nachdem es einige Jahre lang ruhig um sie war, sind MÖRSER nun mit voller Kraft und umgruppierter, [...]

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