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rafa77 Eure Band
So Cruel(TormenTo!!!)
Aw: So Cruel(metal band from Spain)

Hello, can go through our Myspace and listen TormenTo!!!

Greetings from our Crew!!!!

So Cruel

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rafa77 Eure Band
So Cruel(TormenTo!!!)
Aw: So Cruel(metal band from Spain)

Hi! vote for So Cruel because we need it for play at metalcamp 09 in Tolmin (Slovenia)! You dont need registration,..only go to:

and click on voting,scroll down to "spain" (or just write so cruel in search directly) and finally click on "vote" next [...]

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rafa77 Eure Band
So Cruel(TormenTo!!!)
So Cruel(TormenTo!!!)

January 2007 by means of an advertisement in a web Rafa Marmulewski and Ezequiel Climent knew themselves to form a group of metal. In two months approximately they rented a buc in Vendrell (Tarragona), took the decision to have and compose together and in the same summer they began to record [...]

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