
Thrice - Thrice - Details zum neuen Album!

Thrice - Details zum neuen Album!


Nach ihrem letztjährigen Meisterwerk VHEISSU planen die Jungs von THRICE offenbar ein noch größeres Projekt für ihre neue Platte anzugehen. Das neue Werk soll 4 CDs enthalten und jede CD soll thematisch an ein Naturelement angelehnt sein (Wasser, Erde, Feuer, Luft). Insgesamt sollen sich letztendlich ca. 25 Songs auf dem Album tummeln. Hier das komplette Statement der Band:

"As a lot of you may know, for the past month or so, we've been writing and recording our next album. We didn't want to say anything official until we'd finalized a lot of the details, but now that we're getting rolling on it, we want you guys to be the first to know what the plans are for this album.

We have started writing and recording a 4 disc concept record, with each disc being themed sonically and thematically to correspond with the four natural elements - earth, air, water and fire. The final record will have somewhere between 20 and 25 songs, divided between the 4 discs.

We are approaching the whole project in a new way for us, both writing and recording. Writing with these elements in mind, we are letting them shape the direction of the songs sonically and thematically. And for the first time, we're recording the record ourselves as we write it, freeing us up to change things as we go.

We are very excited about the project and are looking forward to sharing more details as the record takes shape. We're also in the process of setting up a site dedicated to keeping you up to date on our progress, so keep a look out for that in the near future.

Stay tuned for more details about the elements, videos, and pictures. We'll get to all of that as the album progresses. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

- Thrice"

Bogatzke 07.09.2006


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