
Billy Talent präsentieren den neuen Song "Turn Your Back"

Billy Talent

Billy Talent melden sich zurück. Nach dem Erfolg ihres letzten Albums, präsentuieren die Kanadier nun ihren neuen Song "Turn Your Back". Dazu Sänger Ben: Hey all...we are proud to be giving you a little snippet of what we've been working on...we decided to ask our dear pals Justin and #2 from Anti-Flag if they'd like to sing on a new track we we're working on called "Turn you Back" and they said yes! We have since then decided to release it as is and donate all monies raised to the Red
Cross...the song was written about having responsibility for ones actions both socially and environmentally and that we need to stand up now before it's too
late...hope you love it as much as we do!
Turn Your Back will be released worldwide in mid-September... more details to follow. Peace. Ben

Kitty N.05.09.2008


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